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7 Reasons Why We Quit or Give up

Have you ever thought why you naturally or automatically just quit doing new stuff that you started to improve yourself? Maybe they were new habits,or new routine, or working on a new business idea to be financially independent.

A picture of a person saying they quit an give up

Here's a few reasons why we quit and give up and then a few tips on how to fix it.

1 - You don't believe you deserve it!

That's right! You believe you deserve the life you've created so far...the life you have lived in for years.

2 - You think you would be wasting your time as eventually you will give up and go back to point 0 where you first started.

3 - You start but then you see that your friends and family don't support you in your new adventure so you stop doing it because you want to fit in, in your group of friends.

4 - You start making the changes in your life but when you see no results you feel embarrassed and think about what the people in your circle must be thinking about you. And you stop, you quit and give up. But remember that stopping now it's worse than when you decided to go on this route.

Stopping now means you failed and you accept that failure.

5 - You compare yourself with other people in that field who are doing much better than you and are way ahead of you. You think why would someone want you if those other people are already there and more experienced than you.

6 - You are afraid to lose people (friends or family in your circle). Because when you start going ahead they start breaking because they feel left out and prefer to let you go on your own.

7 - You love the comfort place where you were before. Where nothing would change and everything was predictable.

How are you going to fix it?

1- Believe that everyone in this world is born to do and be the best version of themselves. If you allow yourself to be the best - you will inspire others to get out of their comfort Zones too. You will inspire them to try new things and never give up on their dreams.

2- Maybe you are really wasting your time with this new idea or project. But what if you think of this wasted time as an experience? You can guide your children, family or friends not to do the same mistakes that you did and surely by the end of that mistake you found out a new way (more efficient way of going about your project ) to reach the goals you had set for yourself.

3- When you are trying to do something new or to improve yourself, that is when you should open your eyes and see who is sticking with you, supporting you, cheering for you. And if people leave you then they were not supposed to be in your circle on the first place.

Let them go and don't worry, then will be back when you are successful. People always want to associate themselves with successful people.

4- No matter how far others are or how far behind you are. Don't worry about the progress, success, fame or influence that others have. Everyone has their time to shine in life. If you work hard enough on yours - you will find yours.

It's truly beautiful to be in control and knowing what tomorrow holds for you. But do we really know what tomorrow brings for us? For all we know, there could be a war tomorrow threatening everything we build so far. So why not be prepared for change? Why not change ourselves?

Why not be masters of change?

Resuming. There are people who work for others and there are people who give work to others. It's a matter of deciding which one you want to be.

Of course there are also people who don't work at all but that again would fall under people who have so much money they don't need to work - these would fall under the people who give work to others.

Make your own decisions and build your own fate.


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